Massage Bed — Healing Studio in Bangor, ME
An integral part of our Health and Healing Arts Sessions is the unique opportunity provided you before beginning your session to take a few moments to: 
  • unwind from a busy schedule
  • release life’s tensions
  • bring a peaceful mind into the session
  • become relaxed to deepen the overall experience
  • invite in the healing process
Taking a few moments at the end of the session to meld into peaceful relaxation allows for continuing integration of the work.

Although there are stated session lengths, we do not function on a tight schedule so no one is rushed. This provides for a relaxing, unhurried experience, and allows the practitioner to listen and be guided by the body’s energy. Because of this, it is not uncommon for a session to go over its scheduled time by a few minutes or so. If you need to leave at a specific time, please inform the practitioner at the beginning of the session.

Because we do not take insurance, a third party does not limit the number of sessions needed to relieve a specific issue. This allows you and the practitioner flexibility in your scheduling.
70 minutes
90 minutes
120 minutes
70 minutes
90 minutes
120 minutes


Our Healing Arts Sessions are an eclectic mix and outside the mainstream of common modalities. This reflects both the practitioner’s adaptive interaction with health and healing and to the Studio’s as well. You can request a modality of your choice or leave it up to the practitioner to decide based upon your body’s need at the time. Many of our sessions are informative as well as provide home and self-practice exercises. 

How do our sessions benefit you? 

- broadens and expands awareness of self 
- helps identify where tensions are held
- releases tensions
- creates ease within muscle function
- provides relief or ease from pain
- improves flexibility and mobility
- restores free flow of vitality
- supports body’s own healing wisdom
- integrates the energetic component of ourselves
- allows the ability to be proactive in one’s own health and healing
- establishes a sense of health and well-being

Swedish Massage – can be relaxing or include deep tissue to ease muscle tension; tones muscles, releases toxins, stimulates lymph, and relaxes the body. 

Therapeutic Massage – addresses a specific problem area of the body to encourage ease from acute or chronic pain and held tension; it incorporates a variety of techniques, which may include energy work, cranial sacral, neural mobilization, or positional release stretches.

Reiki – supports the body’s own healing wisdom; releases held tensions in the body, mind/heart, and within one’s essential nature; assists the healing process in dealing with life’s various stressors; supports decision-making, and in implementing change. 

Qigong Massage – restores the body’s free flow of vitality; implements a repetitive massage process, starting from the head and working down the body to the feet, to release unbeneficial energy (chi) and stimulate beneficial energy (chi); can leave you feeling relaxed or energized, depending if the session is gentle and smooth or vigorous.

Seasonal Qigong Massage - helps the body release blockages developed within a season and to prepare it energetically for the next season; a three session series recommended (but can do just one long session) at least one month prior to each new season.

Structural Integration – addresses the pulls that cause tension and postural misalignment of the body causing it to adapt and perform inefficiently; a 12 -14 session series creates more ease in the body’s function and range of motion; includes body reading, table & bench work, reeducation, home exercises.


It is not uncommon to have limited movement and/or pain (acute, chronic, or aching) as a result of a known or unknown cause. These issues do not usually release with just a relaxing massage. 

To effect change, it is important to identify the muscles involved, the myofascial pulls, and the inflamed nerves affecting the area. Additionally the discomfort may be aggravated by a dysfunction in another part of the body, which if not addressed, will only cause the problem to resurface again later. To help ease discomfort, a variety of interactive and passive techniques will be employed, as well as helping you develop mind/body awareness. You may also receive some exercises to practice. 

Depending upon the length of time an issue has been experienced, the number of sessions required may be only one or two or in chronic cases several. Every session is different. The body’s response is also a determining factor, along with the emotional component held within the dysfunction.

The aim of Therapeutic Massage is to: 
  • help create more ease of movement
  • improve range of motion
  • decrease pain and/or eliminate pain
  • create body awareness
  • enjoy better health
  • have a renewed joy in living.
  • help create more ease of movement
  • improve range of motion
  • decrease pain and/or eliminate pain
  • create body awareness
  • enjoy better health
  • have a renewed joy in living.
We will take the journey together slowly, respectfully, and one step at a time! 
Massage Bed — Healing Studio in Bangor, ME


Structural Integration is a form of soft tissue manual manipulation and movement education to assist in realigning the body’s structure to function with improved ease and decreased pain. Due to injury, repetitive movements, years of gravity pulling the body down, etc., the body compensates so we can function but that function may not be without detrimental consequences. Structural Integration works to free and re-educate non-beneficial postural patterns. 

Some of the benefits of Structural Integration include:
- improved posture
- less pain
- improved flexibility and mobility
- enhanced resiliency
- body performs more smoothly and efficiently
- body has a more grounded and integrated appearance
- body consumes less energy in movement
- increased energy over-all due to fewer myofascial inhibitions

The goal of Structural Integration is not just the releasing of muscular holding, but the freeing and repositioning of the fascial fabric network. By re-integrating movement patterns into the work, the fascial fabric is assisted in releasing held strains and tensions to allow proper positioning.

The Structural Integration 12 – 14 Session Series works from superficial to deep (core) then integrates both the superficial and deep layers of the body into a smoother, functioning whole. Sessions include:

  • Twelve to fourteen 1 ½ - 2 hour sessions
  • First session includes a health history during initial intake
  • Each session includes postural assessment (standing and walking)
  • Most sessions include both table and bench (sitting) time
  • First four sessions work superficially; second four sessions work the core (deep); third three sessions integrate superficial and core; with the 12 - 14th sessions the final smoothing out
  • Sessions include active participation by the client in most techniques (this is not a passive experience)
  • Most sessions will include mind/body awareness and take-home exercises
  • Appropriate dress for the sessions are underwear, sports bra and shorts, or bathing suit (preferably for women, a two-piece)
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